Prospective authors are invited to send their Reply Form A by email no later than September 15, 2015. The full text of the paper to be presented, written in one of the conference languages, should not exceed 10 (ten) pages and should be sent by e-mail no later than September 29, 2015. The authors also have to send an abstract. The abstract should be in English and sent by e-mail. Submitted papers will be subject to peer review by at least two reviewers. Authors will be informed by October 09, 2015 on the acceptance of their papers. Every author may participate as a lead author in one paper and as co-author in two. Manuscripts received after the deadline will not be included in the program. Detailed instructions on formatting the abstracts and the papers are available at
Authors of accepted papers may also present their papers remotely via teleconference. They have to prepare and send their presentation file no later than 12.10.2015. After each remote presentation the conference attendees will participate in a discussion with the author via teleconference.
The accepted papers will be included in the program and abstracts booklet, and given to all conference participants. The presented papers will be written on compact dicks (CD) and sent to the authors after the conclusion of the conference.


The Conference languages are Bulgarian and English.


Participants with/without a paper – Euro 50
Students – Euro 25
Registration fees have to be paid in Euro, net of bank charges, no later than October 12, 2015 to:

Account holder: CEEC, TELECOM 2015, author's name
Bank name: UniCredit Bulbank AD
Bank address: 7 Sveta Nedelya Sq., 1000 Sofia, BULGARIA
IBAN: BG75 UNCR 9660 1018 8624 01

Participants have to send by mail or email a copy of the payment order with details of the payment to the Organizing Committee, or present it upon the registration.
The registration fee can be paid in cash in advance at the Office of CEEC: 108, Rakovsky St., Sofia 1000.
By way of exception the Registration Fee may be paid upon arrival at the Conference venue in cash (Euro 55).
The Registration fee includes admission to all Conference events, a set of Conference materials (program, abstracts, CD with papers etc) and cocktail attendance.


The Registration desk at the National Science and Technical Center, 108 Rakovsky St. – Sofia will be opened on:
October 15, 2015 from 8 AM to 12 AM
October 16, 2015 from 8 AM to 12 AM


IMPORTANT! The deadline for Registration for participation (Form А) is extended until 29.09.2015
29.09.2015 – Submission of papers and abstracts
09.10.2015 – Notification for acceptance of paper
29.09.2015 – Application for Company presentation (Form B)
29.09.2015 – Application for exhibition (Form B)
12.10.2015 – Application for attendance without paper (Form A)
12.10.2015 – Payment of the Registration fee

Website by St.Patchedjiev, scripts DFWST