News archive.
Past events and conferences for 2016 and older
The international conference TELECOM 2016 took place on 27th and 28th of October 2016 and for the seventh time it was held at the National Center of Science and Technology (NCST) – Sofia, 108 Rakovski St., BULGARIA.
The SOCIETY OF ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS IN ISRAEL was the organizer of Electricity 2016 the International Annual Convention of SEEEI which took place November 8 – 11, 2016, Eilat, Israel
The conference site: -
From 25 to 30 of September 2016 the city of Varna, BULGARIA, was the host of the International Conference
The Power Electronics and Motion Control (IEEE-PEMC) 2016
Modern Power Electronics and Motion Control aiming at Intelligent SolutionsThe Power Electronics and Motion Control (PEMC) conference circulates in Europe as a direct continuation of the same field conferences held since 1970 mostly in Budapest, organized by the Hungarian Electro-technical Association with headquarter in Budapest. This makes this Conference the oldest one in this area in Europe. Now PEMC Council, involving representatives from many of the European countries, controls the organization of the PEMC conferences. In August 2015 the Industrial Electronics Society of the IEEE conferred to the PEMC conference the prestigious name of most important IEEE conference, naming it from now on, the IEEE-PEMC conference.
The main goal of IEEE-PEMC is to promote and co-ordinate the exchange and the publication of technical, scientific and economic information in the field of Power Electronics and Motion Control. One of the main objectives is the cooperation and integration between the long-time divided Western and Eastern European countries, also expressed in the conference logo. The conference attracts now a large number (roughly 500+) of participants from overseas as well. An exhibition is organized in parallel with every PEMC Conference, offering space for the industry to present their latest products in the field of Power Electronics and Motion Control. In addition to the regular oral sessions, key notes, round tables, tutorials, workshops, seminars, exhibitions, the dialog sessions (enlarged “poster” presentations) present to the speakers a better cooperation among the participants.
The aim of this 17th IEEE-PEMC conference is to stimulate the findings of intelligent solutions (intelligent power electronics, intelligent control), in order to achieve the Intelligent Motion, Intelligent Mechatronics, Intelligent Sensors and Actuators, Intelligent Robots, Intelligent (more than smart) Micro Grids, Intelligent Power System, Intelligent Energy Generation, Processing, Distributing and Consuming, steadily walking to a better world.The IEEE-PEMC 2016 conference in Varna, Bulgaria honors the memory of Professor Istvan Nagy, who left us unexpectedly after giving all his life to the creation and successful implementations of the PEMC Conference. The world lost an extraordinary, both strong and kind person, an enthusiast in power electronics, electric drives and motion control. We shall remember his deeds as a tireless organizer, true friend, colleague and advisor and we shall follow his example.
We dedicate not only this edition of the conference to the memory of the Late Prof Istvan Nagy but we announce also that from now on, an IEEE-PEMC award for valuable scientific and organizational achievements, “Professor Nagy Award” is scheduled and soon the conditions will be announced.The Conference site is at:
Call for papers for PEMC 2016 - old deadlines
Holland Hires Recruitment offers positions for engineers and scientists as well as specialists working in the environmental sector. We recruit professionals with a degree in IT, Physics, Mathematics, Robotics, Mechatronics, Electronic Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Quality Management, Research and Development, Chemistry but also for Ecology, Renewable Energy, other Clean Tech and many more technically oriented fields. We work for companies in Western Europe as well as for leading companies and organisations in Bulgaria.
Working in the Netherlands?
The Netherlands concentrates many high-tech research, development and manufacturing activities, making itself a very attractive place for innovative technically and scientifically trained people.
Socially, the country has to offer a lot too, including very internationally oriented people, lots of culture and opportunities to develop personally.Working on environmental stuff?
Because of the environmental challenges, new requirements and investment opportunities, we are supporting the improvement of the sector by offering recruitments services to candidates and companies to identify "green talents", both local and internationally.See job offers and presentation:
InfoTech 2016, 30th Anniversary International Conference on Information Technologies took place on 20-21 September 2016 at the St. St. Constantine and Elena resort (near the city of Varna)
InfoTech is an international forum for scientists, researchers, industrial experts to share innovations, experience and new research results in the fields of Information Technologies and Information Security; Technologies for System Design and Intelligent Systems; Technological Aspects of e-Governance and Data Protection, etc. The forum is a successor of International Conference on Systems for Automation of Engineering and Research (SAER), established in 1987 and International Workshop on e-Governance and Data Protection (EG&DP), established in 2005.
More information could be downloaded from the conference web site:
Call for papers for INFOTECH 2016,
Application form INFOTECH 2016
The annual international seminar organized in part by CEEC and FNTS, EEPRYE 2016, 'Engineering Education and Professional Realization of Young Engineers' was held in Sofia on July 7th, 2016
The talk "The Impact of Electromagnetic Field from Mobile Phone on the Users’ Head" was presented at the 8th...
Posted by CEEC Bulgaria on Monday, July 11, 2016 -
The conference EBT 2016
In cooperation with
EBT 2016 took place on 13-18 June, 2016 Varna, BULGARIA.As during the all previous EBT Conferences, high energy beams is the field of interest in this one, emphasizing on the electron beams. The Conference addressed various aspects of theory and applications of electron beams and will present extensive information on the recent advance in research, development and implementation of electron beam technologies and related facilities. Diagnostic methods relevant to this field were also be discussed.
Topics covered during the EBT’16 conference include:
· physics of intense electron beams;
· electron-optical systems and facilities for measurement and control of electron beams;
· free electron devices, electron beam welding;
· electron beam melting and refining;
· selective electron beam and laser melting;
· high rate deposition of metallurgical coatings;
· electron beam surface modification;
· thermal processing and thin films deposited by electron beams;
· electron lithography;
· electron beam curing of polymers and composites;
· ion lithography, ion implantation; laser beam technologies
· modelling of processes during the interaction of particle beams with materials;
· applications of charged particles beams in nanotechnology and nano-electronics;
· electron beam equipment design and automation.
10.03.2016 - Registration
10.03.2016 - Abstract submission
25.03.2016 - Notification of acceptance
05.05.2016 - Full text of Papers; payment of the conference fees and hotel reservation
The manuscripts, prepared for publishing by direct photographic reproduction must be received up to 5 May 2016. The papers (limited to five printed pages – format A4) will be reviewed and published in the Bulgarian journal “Electrotechnica and Electronica” 5-6, 2016 and will be distributed among the Conference participants at their arrival in Varna. For instructions for the authors, please visit Some papers, recommended during reviewing procedure will be directed for publishing in European Journal.
The venue of the EBT'2016 is the Grand Hotel “Varna” in Resort "St. Konstantin and Elena", located 10 km north of Varna. The city of Varna is situated at the Black Sea coast. The International communications and means of transportation are good (especially in June when there are many direct charter flight connecting Varna with a number of leading International airports). The nice seaside Resort "St. Konstantin and Elena" is an excellent place, providing variety of comfortable hotels. The conference site is right on the sea cost in a beautiful old park. The participants can do reservation of hotel rooms through Organizing Committee up to 5 May 2016. The early registration fee is 280 EUR.
Further information can be obtained at:
Call for papers for EBT 2016,
Scientific Program EBT 2016
The XIXth International Symposium on Electrical Apparatus and Technologies - SIELA 2016 organized by Union of Electronics, Electrical Engineering and Telecommunications (CEEC) and IEEE Bulgaria Section took place 29 May – 1 June, 2016 in Burgas, BULGARIA.
Friends of the symposium:
Technical Universities of Sofia, Varna and Gabrovo
Federation of Scientific and Technical Unions
House of Science and Technology – Plovdiv
Regional Organization of STU – Bourgas
Centre of Informatics and Technical Sciences at BFU
VDE - GermanyAims of the Symposium
The aim of the symposium is to provide exchange of information and experiences on the new developments, trends and applications under industrial and academic view points in the field of electrical apparatus and technologies, as well as to stimulate personal contacts and fruitful cooperation, especially between industrial and academic institutions.
NOTE: The deadline for submitting two-page digests is extended until 15th of March.
Register at the Symposium site:
Call for papers for SIELA 2016
Program SIELA 2016
The conference “ELECTRONICA 2016” continues the discussion initiated by “Electronica 1991” on the state and prospects for the development of the Bulgarian electronics research, education and industry in a globalized world economy and EU membership. Papers discussing theoretical and applied electronics submitted by Bulgarian and foreign specialists were presented. There was extensive participation of leading Bulgarian and foreign companies. An exhibition and Round table discussion was organized and well attended. Official languages are Bulgarian and English.
May 12-13, 2016
National Science and Technical Center
108 Rakovski Str., 1000 Sofia, Bulgaria
organized by
the Union of Electronics, Electrical Engineering and Communications (CEEC),
the Technical University of Sofia (TUS)
and the Faculty of Electronic Engineering and Technologies (TUS)
in cooperation with
the Federation of the Scientific and Technical Unions in Bulgaria (FNTS),
the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (BAS),
the Technical University - Varna,
the Technical University - Gabrivo,
the University of Ruse “Angel Kanchev”
the IEEE Bulgarian Section,
the VDE – Germany and
Leading Electronics Companies.“ELECTRONICA 2016” site:
Invitation “ELECTRONICA 2016”
1-st place for team “NEUTRINO” with Technical University of Sofia students, Faculty of Electronic Engineering and Technologies (FEET), a member of CEEC Bulgaria! The neutrino is a particle that travels almost at the speed of light, and just like that the team was the fastest in Renesas MCU Car Rally 2016!
1-st place for team “NEUTRINO” with Technical University of Sofia students, Faculty of Electronic Engineering and Technologies (FEET), a member of CEEC Bulgaria!
Posted by CEEC Bulgaria on Thursday, March 24, 2016
TU-Sofia wins Renesas MCU Car Rally 2016
The neutrino is a particle that travels almost at the speed of light, and just like that the team was the fastest in Renesas MCU Car Rally 2016!
Posted by CEEC Bulgaria on Thursday, March 24, 2016 -
The “9th Japanese-Mediterranean Workshop on APPLIED ELECTROMAGNETIC ENGINEERING FOR MAGNETIC, SUPERCONDUCTING, MULTIFUNCTIONAL AND NANO MATERIALS – JAPMED’9” was held in Sofia, Bulgaria, between 5 and 8 July 2015.
The aim of the workshop is to create a link for the participants to share knowledge and experience and for the cross-fertilization of new ideas and developments in applied electromagnetics, design, analysis, new material utilization, and optimization techniques. Topics related to practical applications, operations, maintenance are also expected.
Call for papers JAPMED'9 2015,
Program JAPMED'9 2015
JAPMED archive links JAPMED’5, JAPMED’6, JAPMED’7, JAPMED’10
Opening of TELECOM 2016 conference
Posted by CEEC Bulgaria on Wednesday, November 2, 2016